Friday, March 15, 2013

Pwning Macs with SET and MiTM Magic


This post will present a simple method of performing a man in the middle (MiTM) attack against Mac OS (Snow Leopard and OS X Lion) and its Software Update process. The software update is done via clear text HTTP leaving it vulnerable to attacks such as the one described in this paper. Funny thing is that a previously disclosed vulnerability 

Note: OS X Mountain Lion utilizes the App Store application for Software updates. The application makes use of HTTPS plus other SSL/TLS methods to guarantee the authenticity of the data coming back from the servers. After all my failed attempts, it appears that it does validate the authenticity of the certificate presented by the server.


Software Update Process

When the software update application runs it starts by executing a GET HTTP/1.1 request to Apple’s update server ( and request the update catalog. This catalog contains all the updates that have been released by Apple after a certain date (described in the catalog file). Each update includes a collection of URLs, these URLs are for the distribution file, installation package file, and package description files.

The software update application reads all these updates and compares to what it has stored in Cache ($HOME/Library/Caches/ and attempt to download the distribution files for those updates that are new (not in the cache). The distribution file contains all the information regarding the package. It also includes some Installer JavaScript ( with some defined functions that decide whether the update should be displayed at the end and if it needs to be installed (More on this later).

After the software update application has finished reading all the packages, it then presents the user with the results (Shows a window saying there are new updates to be installed). When the user selects each update, there is a description at the bottom that shows information regarding the update (More on this later).


Intercepting the traffic was a piece of cake, with the use of ARPSpoof, IPTables redirect and a little Python script that I wrote, I was able to intercept the traffic and replace the content (returned to Software Update application) with custome URLs. The Python script replaces the URL for the installation package, URL of distribution file and changes the post date and version of the update catalog (to force updates to appear).

Once I was able to intercept the traffic and inject custom data, my previously "No updates found" Software Update process turned into "Oh wow, there is an update"

 After injecting the custom distribution file URL, I saw this in my Apache access log:

The first file I took a swing at was the distribution file. The distribution file also allows the option of running custom commands on the host by enabling the allow-external-scripts option in the <options/> element of the distribution. But after taking a close look at the Software Update application, I ran into this:

In the evaluateProduct method of the application, there is a check to see if the allow-external-scripts attribute has been enabled. If it has, the application discards the package and logs a “Insecure distribution script from %s” error message where %s is the URL it downloaded the distribution from. This was a result of the APPLE-SA-2007-12-17 security update released by Apple.

I tried encoding the attribute and its value in different ways but it appears that the Software Update application waits until all the XML entities have been resolved and evaluated and then it checks for the value of the attribute. So that is a no go there.

Replacing the Installation Package

Without touching anything in the distribution, my Python script will replace the URL of the installation package with whatever you specify in the parameter. Thinking I could just replace the installation package and exploit users this way, I went ahead and tried it. After multiple attempts, I always kept seeing the same error when OS X attempted to install the package. The console application would show a log entry stating that my custom package was not trusted. It turns out Apple has done an excellent job at making sure that the installation packages of updates are only signed by Apple. I even attempted using a package that was signed with my OS X Developer ID certificate (used to deploy to the App Store). So this was a nother no go.

Then it hit me!

So after almost giving up, it dawned upon me that the description shown by the Software Update application is composed by custom HTML data specified in the distribution file.  So at the very least, I was able to modify this HTML to include a custom link to the description of the package.

But I thought this was a bit lame and decided to use a more sophisticated approach. Then it hit me, how about I use a combination of SET and Metasploit to obtain shell? Well, as it turns out SET (Social Engineering Toolkit) has an entire module of web based attacks.

Selecting the website attack vectors, I decided to go ahead and choose the Java Applet attack vector.

Using the signed applet attack, I was able to select the Windows meterpreter payload. Good thing SET also automatically generates Linux and OS X reverse TCP shell payloads.

Since I was serving the distribution package by an already running instance of Apache, I decided to change the SET web port to 8019. With this in mind, I modified the package’s description (HTML) and added a visible (during a real attack it would be invisible) IFrame that uses the attack URL (, in my running example) as the source.

Good thing the Software Update application makes full use of the WebHTMLView class to display the description. This means that any applets or embedded objects (ROFL) are processed.

Once the user selects the package and the description is shown, the victim will see the Java warning.

Of course, during a real attack, an attacker would use an Applet that was signed by a certificate that points back to Apple somehow (fake information?)

Once the victim clicks on ‘Run’, it is all game over.

And that can only mean one thing….

BOOM! Goes the dynamite!

I wrote a Metasploit module (called software_update2.rb) that I still have not pushed for addition. If you would like a copy of it, please hit me up via Twitter @eaescob.

On 03/14/13 Apple released the security announcement, Apple's fix only fixes the executable code portion of the vulnerability. The fact is that Software Update still runs via HTTP and package descriptions can still be modified.

10/30/12 - Sent email to reporting the issue and attached a PDF paper.
10/30/12 - Apple accepted the entry and is investigating the issue.
03/14/13 - Apple released the security announcement.